martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

First UK Manchester19 Fab Lab opens: 30 19/03/2010 Matt Mets, education, MAKE: Blog

First UK Manchester19 Fab Lab opens: 30 19/03/2010 Matt Mets, education, MAKE: Blog

He wanted access to tools like milling machines, 3D scanners, and laser cutters, but no budget or space to keep them at home? Well, if you are a resident of Manchester, it is possible that chance. The FABLAB Manchester, an open workshop with all the tools mentioned and more, will be opening next week. It aims to provide a place for people to build non-commercial projects:

The fablab Manchester is a creative workspace in Manchester where you can very well do whatever you can imagine. When we say everything I want to say anything. There are about 35 fablabs (fabrication laboratories) worldwide so far and people have made all sorts of things from shirts to robots. The fablab is open for use by individuals, community groups, schools and businesses.
The Fab Lab Manchester will be equipped with many different machines, including laser cutters, milling machines, 3D scanners, embroidery and sewing machines, which are mostly controlled by simple computer programs and therefore need not be a computer expert machining or using them.

We will be open for use in early 2010. As always there are hundreds of things to think about and a few others, we have not thought of.
Fablabs Basics:

The use fablab is free for noncommercial use. (A small charge applies if you are a trading company)
Our goal is to provide free basic materials like wood, plastics and electronic components for noncommercial use (no gold or diamonds!)
We have a lot of different machines to use and do not worry we will help you learn to use them

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